My news feed, which is picking up stories about instructional technology and educational technology and instructional design, thus far has simply served as a reminder of the goal of the secondary world: to better prepare our students for the real world.
Most of the stories' topics contain the latest news from institutions of higher learning and from the workforce. Few, if any, dealt with these topics on my level...the minds of the future. what can I do about that in my building?
What are you thoughts on this topic?
What can we do in our building? I believe we are off to a good start. The more positive and energetic we remain and the more enthusiasm our students display, the more likely others are to climb on board. That being said, I am concerned that what the future needs of our students is not commensurate with our state assessments which we are held liable to teach and assess. I continue to struggle with linking what needs to be taught according to the standards and what needs to be taught for my students to be productive citizens in their future.