Saturday, October 24, 2009

Thing 6 (Part 1): Using a Wiki

Please check out this post at Treasure Chest of Thoughts to view how my students are using our class just might "quack" you up!


Monday, October 19, 2009

Thing 5: So Proud of Our Own ADE!

Some time ago, I subscribed to the Arkansas Department of Education's blog ADE Briefs and continue to develop an appreciation for their regular updates on happenings at the state level.

They are also diligent to remind of us important events at the national level. For example, this week is Teen Read Week, hosted by the "Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), the fastest-growing division of the American Library Association."

What can we do to celebrate this national event? One thing I am going to do is add this event to my Holiday Hits on my Mrs. G Info Page so that, maybe, next year this one will not slip up...or nearly slip as this one nearly has!

As you will discover when you visit my info page, the Young Adult Library Services Association has its own recommended list of reads, of which I only have four in my classroom library. I will start with book talks of those four, though, and hand out the already created (and did I mention free?!) bookmarks to my students.

Thanks, ADE, for the gentle reminder! You, too, oh, reader-of-mine, may follow this blog by subscribing to ADE Briefs in your Google Reader...for being informed, in the words of Martha Stewart (who also blogs!), really is "a good thing."

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Thing 4 ~ Stretch: It's in the News!

My news feed, which is picking up stories about instructional technology and educational technology and instructional design, thus far has simply served as a reminder of the goal of the secondary world: to better prepare our students for the real world.

Most of the stories' topics contain the latest news from institutions of higher learning and from the workforce. Few, if any, dealt with these topics on my level...the minds of the future. what can I do about that in my building?

What are you thoughts on this topic?

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Thing 4: My Plump Google Reader

Last week, I deleted 1000+ feeds in my Google Reader. That is thanks to my 285...yes, 285...subscriptions. Too many you ask? Probably.

For the past 1 1/2 year, I have read blogs, explored blog rolls, and fed my Google Reader. She is definitely not going hungry! A few weeks ago, I blogged here about my RSS feeds; then I did the deed and deleted that 1000+ and began anew! This actually felt good, and I did not hurt one blogger's feelings, for...shhhh...they do not know I deleted their very awesome thoughts and many links that help me grow professionally.

Just checked...I have 61 posts to read. Uh, oh...none are from my BSD 21 PLN. Please check here for a song I adapted to this situation. Please post! I really like reading your thoughts, exploring your minds!

My subscriptions are divided into folders. For example, here is a partial list of some of my folders: authors, BSD PLN, educational topics, hobbies, literacy, podcasts, technology, tech tools, writing.

Listed below are a few of my favorites, a list I recently shared with my Secondary English Methods (Lyon College) students:


Book Reviews/Reading


English 11 Lesson Plans







This list and the other 200 subscriptions are thanks to our leader Lisa Huff at 21 Things and Just Read and various other places, who inspired and mentored me back in the winter of 2008-09. Please check out my blogs here!

Now, to create a Custom News Feed...